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The pollution no one talks about

Everyone these days is talking about reducing pollution in the atmosphere as it relates to carbon emissions. Some people place more value on this than others. The one pollution that everyone seems to agree is not desirable is when their personal space is violated by noise pollution.

The line of Gencell Energy hydrogen fuel cell generators is the cure for both of these forms of pollution. Not only do these units generate electricity with the only byproducts being heat and water, they do so while operating whisper quiet. With only a fraction of the moving parts of an internal combustion powered genset, mechanical noise is all but eliminated. If your site only allows for close quarters operation, a fuel cell is an easy choice. Not only can you operate at full load silently, you can do so without noxious exhaust fumes blowing into your neighbors' window. There likely have been more property disputes that began as noise concerns than most any other cause.

If noxious emissions and mechanical clatter are qualities that you are looking to avoid, we may have the equipment you are looking for. Do you want to learn more about the benefits of Gencell's line of fuel cell generators and how they can be configured for your application to operate cleanly and quietly? If the answer is yes, please visit our website at

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